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Chelsea Small’s Murder Remains Unsolved a Decade Later


In a haunting crime that unfolded a decade ago, Chelsea Small met a tragic end while working at a Cash Advance store in Taylor. On November 12, 2013, a man with long hair, sunglasses, and a ball cap entered the establishment, shooting Chelsea and callously leaving her to die.

As the 10th anniversary approaches, Crime Stoppers and dedicated detectives renew their plea for information from the public. Chelsea’s mother, Debi Kamin, emotionally implores, “I’m begging you, please, please. It’s been 10 years. We need closure.”

Photos of the unidentified assailant were shared, emphasizing the urgency of solving this cold case. The Cash Advance store on Telegraph near Champaign was not only the scene of the crime but a place forever marked by tragedy.

A substantial $55,000 reward is offered for any information leading to the resolution of this case. “Knowing that he is still out there, (and) can do this again, it’s always in the back of our heads,” says Kamin, reflecting the ongoing fear and trauma endured by Chelsea’s family.

Despite relentless efforts by Taylor police, the murderer remains at large. The original detective on the case, Steven Schwein, expresses the personal weight of this unsolved murder: “You can’t help but take it personal… an overwhelming responsibility to provide that closure they deserve.”

The killer, believed to be between 35 and 50 years old at the time, exhibited proficiency with firearms, using a .45 semi-automatic weapon equipped with an unusual silencer. Detectives are open to the possibility of Chelsea being targeted, though no specific motive has been identified.

Chelsea, a 30-year-old mother of two small children, was described as a loving parent and a genuinely good person. “She didn’t deserve this at all,” laments her mother, highlighting the senseless tragedy that robbed Chelsea of her life and her family of a beloved member.

The grieving family makes a heartfelt plea for justice, urging anyone with information to come forward: “This person did this family wrong. You took away a good human being that loved what she was doing, for no reason at all.”

If you possess any information related to this case, please call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-SPEAKUP. Your tip can make a difference, and you have the option to remain anonymous.

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